
The reviews for The Myder Bird Tattoo are starting to come in and so far they’ve been great! If you’ve read the book, please, please give it a review on Amazon or Goodreads (or both!). Reviews are the lifeblood for a book and twenty is the first magic number, so please add yours!


Hi All, Hope you are enjoying the new book and if you haven’t brought it yet, why not it is a great read. We also need your help, when you have finished the book please add a review on Amazon, we would be very grateful if you did. Have a good day everyone. Al

Happy New Year

Book number 5 should be published soon in the New Year. Julia did try to get this out prior to Christmas but to many other things were on the go. Major steps have been made with the new book and it even includes a map. We are certainly moving up in the world. I will add another post just prior to the release. Al

Hello Readers

Welcome to the first post of the blog for Julia’s new web site. This is her other half Alan and this is the first time I have every done anything adventurous on a computer. So please excuse any mistakes. I will try to add things as necessary to let you all know what is happening with things concerning the books and any future books. Al

New Website

Please visit my new website where you can find all the latest book info, read a short bio and find links to social media and how to get in touch.